Saturday 31 May 2014

Display the Amount of Free Space on Each Filesystem

Another old script that I came across. This one displays the amount of free space on each filesystem on a server, and displays a warning if it falls below a certain level. The output can be displayed in html format for sending as an email (via the htmmail script).

The script was written for AIX - one day I might adapt it for Linux, which has the very useful free command, but without the bells and whistle of the script below.

Save the file as fsfree.ksh, and run it from cron on a daily basis for reports on filesystem usage.

# fsfree.ksh
# Purpose: To display free space on each filesystem on a server
#          and to warn if it falls below a certain percentage.
# Return status:
#            0  All filesystem space is above the limit
#            1  One or more filesystems are below the limit
#            2  The script has not been correctly executed
# Syntax:  fsfree.ksh [ -a ] [ -g | -m | -p ] [ -h ] [-q ]
#                   [ -l limit | -f file ]
#          Flags
#           -a  Displays all filesystems
#               By default, the script will display only those
#               filesystems which are below the limit.
#           -f  Use the specified file to define the limits
#               for the individual filesystems
#               The format of the file should be:
#                    Filesystem   Limit
#               An initial file may be generated using the
#               free command as follows:
#                    fsfree.ksh -pal 0 > limitfile.dat
#               The file should then be edited as appropriate
#           -g  Displays total and free space in Gigabytes
#               Space is displayed in Kilobytes by default
#           -h  Output is in html format
#           -l  When the percentage free on the filesystem falls
#               below the value of 'limit', the filesystem will be
#               highlighted on the output.
#               The default limit is 10%
#           -m  Displays total and free space in Megabytes
#               Space is displayed in Kilobytes by default
#           -p  Total and free space is not displayed
#           -q  Quiet mode. No output is displayed.
# Author:  Douglas Milne
# Date:    13th May 2008
# Version 1.0    Initial Release

# Set default variables

# Parse the flags and change default variables accordingly
while getopts :ahpgml:f:q value
   case $value in
      a) dispall=true
      h) htmflag=true
      p) pcntonly=true
      g) divisor=1048576
      m) divisor=1024
      l) if $(echo $OPTARG | grep -q [0-9])
            errstring="Limit must be a number between 1 and 100"
      f) limitfile=$OPTARG
         if [ ! -f $limitfile ]
            errstring="The file $limitfile does not exist"
      q) quietmode=true
     \?) errstring="$0: unknown option $OPTARG"
   if [ "$value" == ":" ]
      case $OPTARG in
         l) errstring="Limit argument must be included and must be a number between 1 and 100"
         f) errstring="The name of the file may not be blank"
shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1)


syntaxerr ()
#  Syntax:      syntaxerr error
#  error        Text describing the error
#  Writes a copy of the error and the syntax of the script
#  to stderr.
   echo "$err\n\nSyntax:  fsfree.ksh [ -a ] [ -g | -m | -p ] [ -h ] [-q ]\n                    [ -l limit | -f file ]\n" >&2
   exit 2

limitdef ()
#  Syntax:      limitdef filesystem
#  filesystem   A filesystem name
#  The function will return the limit required for the given
#  filesystem. This may be the default limit, the limit defined
#  from the command line, or the limit defined in the limitfile
   case $limitsource in
      default) echo $dlimit
        limit) echo $dlimit
         file) lim=$(grep ^/ $limitfile | grep "^$fs " | sort | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e's/\%//g')
               if [ "$lim" == "" ]
                  echo $dlimit
                  echo $lim

display ()
#  Syntax:      display text
#  text         The text to display
#  The function will print the text to the standard output, but
#  only if the script is not running in quiet mode
   if [ $quietmode == false ]
      echo "$text"

# MAIN Section

# Error checking

if [ "$errstring" != "" ]
   syntaxerr "$errstring"

# Display the header
if [ $htmflag == true ]

# If html format is required, then create the head and body of the
# html page.
# A table is used to format the output. Define the table, and output
# the header.
   display "<html><head>"

# Instead of below, it might be useful to cat in a standard css file instead
   display "<style> th{font:10pt Arial;font-weight:bold;color:blue;background-color:LightBlue;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;} p{font:10pt Arial;} li{font:10ptArial;} td{font:10pt Arial;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;} .normal{color:black;} .alert{color:red;font-weight:bold;} .code{font:10pt Courier;color:black;}</style>"

   display "</head><body>"
   display "<p class=\"normal\">$(hostname) filesystem status at $(date)"
   if [ $limitsource != "file" ]
      display "<br><br>Limit is $dlimit%"
   display "</p>"
   display "\n$(hostname) filesystem status at $(date)\n"
   if [ $limitsource != "file" ]
      display "Limit is $dlimit%\n"

if [ $htmflag == true ]

# A table is used to format the output. Define the table, and output
# the header.
   display "<table>"
   display "<tr>"
   display "<th style=\"text-align: left\">Mount Point</th>"
   if [ $pcntonly = false ]
# Only output the total Free and Total Size headers if the -p flag
# has not been used
      display "<th style=\"text-align: right\">Total<br> Free ($stype)</th>"
      display "<th style=\"text-align: right\">Total<br> Size ($stype)</th>"
   display "<th style=\"text-align: right\">%age<br> Free</th>"
   if [ $limitsource == "file" ]
      display "<th style=\"text-align: right\">%age<br>Limit</th>"
   display "</tr>"

# If html format is not required, then output the header as standard
   boldon=$(tput smso)
   boldoff=$(tput rmso)
   typeset -L20 mntpnt
   typeset -R11 free total
   typeset -R3 pcnt limit
   display "Mounted on          \c"
   if [ $pcntonly = false ]
# Only output the total Free and Total Size headers if the -p flag
# has not been used
      display "    Free ($stype)   Total ($stype)\c"
   display " %Free\c"
   if [ $limitsource == "file" ]
      display " Limit"

df -k > /tmp/freedf

# For each filesystem in turn, read the mountpoint, total free
# space and total size
cat /tmp/freedf | tail +2 | awk '{print $7,$3,$2}' | while
read mntpnt free total
# If numeric values have been read, then calculate the output
   if $( echo $free | grep -q [0-9])

# 1) Calculate the percentage of free space
      let pcnt=free\*100/total
# 2) Calculate the free and total space as Kb, Mb or Gb as required
      free=$(echo "scale=$scale; $free / $divisor" | bc)
      total=$(echo "scale=$scale; $total / $divisor" | bc)

      limit=$(limitdef $mntpnt)
# If the percentage free is less than the limit allowed, then switch on
# highlighting. For html output, use the alert class. For standard output,
# use bold type. Set the return status to 1.
      if (( pcnt <= limit ))
         if [ $htmflag == true ]
            display "$boldon\c"

# If the percentage free is greater than the limit allowed, then use the
# normal html class. This irrelevalnt for non-html output
      if [ $dispall == true -o $pcnt -le $limit ]
         if [ $htmflag == true ]

# If using html output, then create a table row
            display "<tr>"
            display "<!-- Mount Point -->"
            display "<td class=\"$class\">$mntpnt</td>"
            if [ $pcntonly = false ]

# Only display free and total size if they are required
               display "<!-- Free Space -->"
               display "<td class=\"$class\" style=\"text-align: right;\">$free</td>"
               display "<!-- Total Space -->"
               display "<td class=\"$class\" style=\"text-align: right;\">$total</td>"
            display "<!-- Percentage Free -->"
            display "<td class=\"$class\" style=\"text-align: right;\">$pcnt%</td>"
            if [ $limitsource == "file" ]
               display "<!-- Limit -->"
               display "<td class=\"$class\" style=\"text-align: right\">$limit%</td>"
            display "</tr>"
# If using standard output, write a row.
            display "$mntpnt  \c"
            if [ $pcntonly = false ]
# Only display free and total size if they are required
               display "$free  $total  \c"
            display "$pcnt%  \c"
            if [ $limitsource == "file" ]
               display "$limit%\c"

            if (( pcnt <= limit ))
               display "$boldoff"
# if the values read were not numeric, then do not perform any calcualtions
# simply output them as read.
      if [ $dispall == true ]
         if [ $htmflag == true ]
            display "<tr>"
            display "<!-- Non numeric values read -->"
            display "<td class=\"$class\">$mntpnt</td>"
            if [ $pcntonly = false ]
               display "<td class=\"$class\" style=\"text-align: right;\">$free</td>"
               display "<td class=\"$class\" style=\"text-align: right;\">$total</td>"
            display "</tr>"
            if [ $pcntonly = false ]
               display "$mntpnt  $free  $total"
               display "$mntpnt"

if [ $htmflag == true ]
# If using html output, close the table and the html page
   display "</table></body></html>"

return $returnstat


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